Thursday, December 31, 2009

Cap Cay Goreng

Bahan-Bahan :
1 dada ayam dipotong tipis
200 gram udang dikupas
5 butir bakso ikan dibelah 2
5 helai daun kol
10 helai sawi caisim dipotong-potong
3 batang daun prei dipotong-potong
1 batang daun seledri dipotong-potong
3 buah tomat dibelah 4
1 buah bawang bombay dibelah 4
2 buah wortel dipotong serong & tipis
3 siung bawang putih
4 sendok makan saus tomat
4 sendok makan tepung sagu/maizena
Garam secukupnya
Lada halus secukupnya
Bumbu penyedap sesuai selera

Cara Mengolah :
1. Tumis bawang putih hingga menguning dan berbau harum.
2. Masukkan sekaligus ayam dan udang, aduk rata hingga setengah matang.
3. Tambahkan air segelas.
4. Sesudah mendidih masukkan wortel, bakso ikan dan sayuran lainnya.
5. Aduk terus sambil menambahkan saus tomat, garam, lada dan bumbu penyedap.
6. Setelah rasanya sesuai selera, masukkan cairan tepung sagu/maizena.
7. Segera angkat dari api.
8. Hidangkan selagi hangat.

Note: Cap cay yang lezat adalah bilamana sayurannya masih renyah.

Tips Menghemat Minyak Goreng

1. Gunakan minyak goreng yang baru untuk menggoreng bawang, kerupuk, atau kacang. Setelah selesai menggoreng, saring minyak yang masih berwarna kuning ini, lalu masukkan ke dalam wadah bersih.

Sisa minyak tadi dapat digunakan kembali di hari yang sama untuk menumis sayuran, bumbu masak, atau menggoreng tahu, tempe, dan gorengan lainnya. Seusai digunakan, saring lagi dan masukkan ke wadah bersih.

Jika masih ada daging ayam atau ikan yang akan digoreng saat itu juga, gunakan saja sisa minyak tadi untuk menggoreng. Nah, sisa minyak dari menggoreng ikan atau ayam warnanya akan menjadi kehitaman dan agak mengental. Sebaiknya, minyak goreng ini dibuang dan jangan digunakan lagi.

2. Sementara itu, minyak yang sudah digunakan untuk menggoreng kue donat atau kembang goyang baunya akan wangi. Sebaiknya, masukkan sisa minyak ke dalam wadah bersih dan gunakan untuk menggoreng pisang atau snack-snack manis lainnya.


Bahan :
1 kg singkong dikupas potong2

Bumbu halus :
6 butir bawang putih
2 butir bawang merah
1 � sdm ketumbar
2 sdm garam

Cara membuat ;
Singkong dicuci lalu kukus hingga matang dan empuk.
Taruh bumbu dalam wadah lalu beri air secukupnya.
Singkong yang sudah matang panas-panas dicelupkan ke bumbu dan biarkan sebentar biar bumbu meresap.
Setelah itu goreng hingga kekuningan dan renyah.
Bagi yang ingin mengikuti update resep, feed saja bog in

keripik singkong

- 750 gr singkong
- 10 lbr daun jeruk, iris tipis
- 1 sdt garam
- 1 sdt baking powder
- 1 lt air untuk merendam singkong
- Minyak untuk menggoreng dan menumis

Bumbu halus :
- 3 sdm cabe merah giling
- 3 siung bawang putih
- 1 sdt garam
- 2 sdt gula pasir

1. Campur air dan garam, sisihkan. Kupas singkong lalu iris atau serut melintang tipis. Rendam singkong iris dalam air garam selama 5 menit. Bilas dengan air bersih, tiriskan hingga kering. Aduk bersama baking powder, diamkan lagi selama 15 menit.
2. Panaskan minyak banyak dalam wajan, masukkan singkong sedikit demi sedikit, aduk perlahan agar singkong tdk saling melekat. Goreng hingga kering dan matang, Angkat dan tiriskan.
3. Panaskan 3 sdm minyak goreng, lalu tumis bumbu halus hingga harum, masukkan irisan daun jeruk, kecilkan apinya aduk hingga bumbu harum dan kering.
4. Masukkan keripik singkong dalam wajan, aduk. Matikan apinya, aduk terus hingga keripik singkong rata terlumuri bumbu, angkat dan biarkan dingin.
5. Keripik singkong siap dimakan.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Cake Recipes - Pudding Special Color


• 400 cc of fresh milk
• 100 gr sugar paisr
• 2 sticks in order to
• 2 chicken eggs
• Vanilla to taste

How to make:

• In order to be soaked in cold water for 15 minutes, then cooked until destroyed
• Add milk and sugar, stirring stirring
• Beat the egg yolks and then add a little sugar to the case mix, stirring gently. After that enter the order for which has been incorporated with a filter.
• After you enter a new blended into the egg whites and mix well
• Give dyes according to taste
• Enter into molds that have been dampened slightly with water
• Leave until firm then cut into pieces.
• Serve to your family

Avocado Pudding

* 2 pack order - that white powder
* 2 pieces Avocado
* 250 gr sugar sand
* 900 cc of fresh liquid milk
* 100 cc hot water
* 1 tablespoon instant coffee powder
* 1 tablespoon pasta Mocca

How to Make:

* Cut the avocado in half, seeded, take the meat and finely chopped, set aside.
* Mix the instant coffee with hot water until dissolved.
* Cook for - in order, sugar, liquid milk and instant coffee in a saucepan until boiling, stir - stir.
* Add the avocado and mocca paste, stir well, lift.
* If it was a little cold, store in a mold that has been provided.
* Enter into the refrigerator, cut - cut and serve in cold

Es Cendol

* 1 part Flour hunkue
* 4 cups water
* Leaf Suji (for gilding green)
* 1 / 2 btr Coconut (santannya take 2 cups)
* 1 / 4 kg of red sugar
* 1 / 2 ounces of sugar sand
* 2 sheets of pandan leaves (torn and tie)
* Salt to taste

How to Make:

* Boil brown sugar and white sugar, add the pandan leaves and set aside.
* Mix the flour with water and hunkue green leaf gilding Suji.
* Cook over low heat, stir - stir until translucent color.
* Provide a pot of cold water, put a filter on it cendol (from wire).
* Pour the flour mixture on it so that makes this form - the form that came out of the bottom sieve.
* Form - this form will directly go into the cold water, so that each other does not stick.
* Serve with a solution of sugar, coconut milk and ice cubes.

Orange Passion Fruit Punch

* 250 ml orange water
* 100 ml Water lemon
* 75 ml passion fruit syrup
* 50 g caster sugar
* 6 Passion fruit (apart, dredging contents)
* 650 ml of cold soda water
* Ice element sufficiently

How to Make:

* Mix the sweet orange juice, lemon juice, passion fruit syrup and castor sugar, stirring until sugar dissolves.
* Enter the contents of passion fruit, mix well.
* Keep the refrigerator into the right to cool.
* Pour into a glass, give the soda water and shaved ice.
* Serve cold for 10 glasses.

Biji Salak

* 1 kg sweet potato (steamed and peeled the skin)
* 100 gr Flour Starch
* 500 gr sugar Java
* 500 cc Water
* 1 ltr coconut
* 2 sheets of pandan leaves
* Salt to taste

How to Make:

* Mash sweet potatoes, take 3 / 4 pieces and mix with cornstarch and salt.
* The shape round - round as salak seeds.
* Boil water in a saucepan, put the dough into it salak seeds.
* Cook until the floating, lift and drain.
* Cook the sugar and water to Java late, add the remaining sweet potatoes that have been pulverized, mix well.
* After boiling, enter salak seeds, stir well and lift.
* Serve with coconut milk cooked with pandan leaves and salt to taste.
* Do not forget to stir - stir in coconut milk cooking time.

Mango juice coctail


* 1 kg Harum Manis Mango
* 1 pack of nata de coco 500 ml
* 1 piece of pineapple, cut into pieces
* 1 yellow melon, a round round
* 1 packet to / jelly cut box
* Sense of mango syrup

How to Make:

* Blender Harum Manis Mango
* Combine nata de coco, pineapple, melon and gelatin
* Add shaved ice / ice cubes
* If you add the syrup is less sweet taste of mango

This post originally submitted by Ekastuti Retno

Young Coconut Mango Pudding

* 2 pack order - that white powder
* 250 gr sugar Java (shaved smooth)
* 400 ml Water
* 100 ml coconut water
* 2 pieces harumanis Mango (peeled, puree in a blender)
* 1 young coconut fruit (pulp capture)
* 1 / 2 teaspoon salt
* 1 / 2 tsp Vanilla powder
* 1 tablespoon rum

How to Make:

* Java Sugar boiled with water until dissolved, set aside.
* Boil order - to the young coconut water to boil.
* Add the mango, Java sugar water, vanilla, salt and rum, stir well and lift.
* Prepare the pudding mold according to taste, wet with a little water.
* Put the meat and set the mold based coconuts.
* Pour the pudding mixture into the mold.
* Cool and put into the refrigerator, cut - cut and serve cold.

Setup Guava Jackfruit

250 ml of water
125 gr sugar
3 cm cinnamon stick
2 pcs cloves
500 gr red guava fruit
250 gr jackfruit, cut length
500 ml guava juice

How to Make:
1. Cut guava into 8 parts.
2. Jerang water, put cinnamon and clove to a boil. Lift. Enter your fruits. Allow to cool, add the cashew juice.
3. Store in refrigerator. Serve cold.

Serves 6

Avocado Ice
(for 1 cup)


- 1 medium-size avocados
- 5 teaspoons granulated sugar
- 1 tablespoon ice cream
- 1 tablespoon chocolate syrup from Nestle or any other brand
(can be purchased at Grocery in plastic bottles)
- 3 pieces of ice cubes
- A little white water
How to make:

- Halve the avocado, then dredging with a spoon, insert
in the glass.
- Blend the avocado with a spoon mash
- After just fine (optional) Mix sugar, ice cream and
chocolate syrup.
- Stir until mixed, then add ice cubes and a little water.
- Stir until mixed and ready to serve

Es Teler

1 can of young coconut (young coconut meat in syrup)
1 can of jackfruit (jack fruit in syrup
Both the above materials can be obtained at the oriental market

How to make:

Drain the young coconut and jackfruit (water / sirupnya not removed)
* Cut the young coconut and jackfruit to taste
* Mix coconut again and jackfruit that had been cut with sirupnya earlier.
* Halve the avocado and rake with a spoon and then input into a mixture of jackfruit and young coconut.
Add milk, sugar, vanilla and salt to taste.
* Serve with ice cubes.
* Vanilla / vanilla 1 teaspoon
* 4 avocados
* Sugar to taste
* 1 / 4 teaspoon fine salt
* 1 quart milk / vitamin D milk (whole milk)
These five kinds of materials can be obtained at grocery
    * Ice cubes to taste.
Sausage Pizza


• 500 gr flour
• 250 cc water
• 2 pieces of yeast tape
• 1 tablespoon granulated sugar
• ½ teaspoon fine salt
• 50 g butter, melted

Upper material:

• 250 gr beef sausage, cut into thin
• 1 red tomatoes, cut thin
• 2 pieces long pieces of green chilli
• Grated cheese to taste

Tomato Sauce Ingredients:

• 3 red tomatoes
• 3 tablespoons melted butter
• 3 cloves garlic, minced
• 1 piece of onion, chopped
• Salt, sugar, pepper to taste fine

How to make:

• Soak the yeast in water, after a late reserve
• Wheat flour, sugar, salt and melted butter mixed together, knead with a little yeast poured water until the dough does not stick in his hand.
• Prepare a round pan, first spread with butter until blended, pour the batter into it and roll.
• The top spread with tomato sauce and sprinkle on top of sausage and green chili slices. Flatten and sprinkle with grated cheese.
• Let stand for 15 minutes.
• After the premises were a hot oven until cooked medium and the color brown
• Serve in a hot

Chicken Steak


• 1 domestic chickens
• 1 egg chicken
• 100 gr bread flour
• 50 g wheat flour
• 3 tablespoons tomato ketchup
• 1 tablespoon granulated sugar
• 1 teaspoon vinegar
• 4 lettuce leaves
• 1 red tomato
• 1 cucumber
• Salt to taste
• Pepper to taste

How to cook:

• Chicken cleaned, discard bones, legs and head. Thinly sliced, salt, pepper to taste.
• Add the flour to the entire teoung sliced chicken until flat.
• Mix the eggs that have been beaten, add more bread crumbs until well until the chicken covered with flour.
• Heat the oil, then fry until yellow.
• Tambhakan fried potatoes for finger and cucumber and tomato slices
• Heat the tomato sauce, put sugar and vinegar.
• Chicken prepared on a flat plate, put lettuce.
• Siramkan tomato sauce over chicken.
• Serve

Macaroni Scottle

Material 1:
500 gr macaroni (boiled, drained berries 1 tablespoon margarine
1 tablespoon margarine (stir well and set aside the macaroni which has been boiled)

Materials II (sauteed and set aside)
150gr meat diling / cornet
50 gr onions (small iris2)
1 tablespoon margarine

Material III
2 tablespoons margarine
3-4 tsp flour
500 ml of liquid milk
100 gr grated cheese
Sugar, salt, pepper, nutmeg, broth powder (to taste)

Materials IV
5 eggs

Materials V
100 gr grated cheese
50 grams of sausage / bacon

How to make:
1. Materials III: heat the margarine, put flour, stir to mix, give milk little by little until thickened, put cheese, sugar, salt, pepper, nutmeg, and powdered broth. Cook until boiling, lift
2. enter the material I and III to the material I, stir well and add bahaan IV, enter the batter into the pan which has spread with margarine. Sprinkle top with ingredients V. Bake until done.
This recipe was sent by Jenny ( e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it)

Beef Tomato Meat Sauce

* 1 / 4 pounds good beef
* 5 buah Tomat
* 3 tablespoons butter
* Pepper, nutmeg, salt, soy sauce, sugar to taste.


* Blend the spices (pepper, nutmeg and salt).
* Wash clean meat, spices and berries stick - stick with a fork, let stand for ± 2 hours.
* Fry the meat with 1 tablespoon butter.
* Cook with fire rather large, do not be reversed if not look yellow.
* Boil the tomatoes, then filtered, combine sugar and water with a little salt.
* Melt the remaining butter earlier, add the soy sauce, tomato water enter into it.
* Enter the meat that had been fried, heat until thick.
* Remove and serve steak with fried potatoes (if desired).

Bread Sandwich

* 4 pieces of white bread
* 50 g butter
* 2 sheets of cheese
* 50 g lettuce
* 1 red tomato, thinly sliced
* 2 pieces of bacon that have been sliced thin
* Tomato sauce

How to make:

* Bake the bread until the brownish color
* Grease a loaf of bread with butter
* Place the lettuce, bacon, cheese and tomato, respectively
* Sprinkle with tomato sauce to taste
* Close the back with the other bread.
* Serve

Mushroom Meat Rice

This week you can start them their school lunch menu for the little guy. Create the always active, preparing lunch just try this one. It contained rice cooked with mushrooms and beef. Equipped with a vegetable omelette plus cucumber event. Be the first comprehensive presentation of nutrition for their activities throughout the day.


* Rice Mushroom Meat
* 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
* 20 g onions, chopped
* 1 clove garlic, minced
* 75 g beef, thinly sliced
* 2 pieces mushrooms hioko, cut into pieces
* Pulen 200 g rice, washed, drained
* 1 tablespoon soy sauce
* 400-500 ml beef broth / water
* 1 / 2 tsp pepper powder
* 1 teaspoon salt


* Dadar vegetables
* Pickles cucumber

How to make:

* Saute onions and garlic until tender and fragrant.
* Add beef, stirring until the color changes.
* Add the mushrooms, stirring until wilted.
* Add rice, stir to mix. Lift.
* Move into the rice cooker pan, add broth and seasonings.
* Cook rice as usual until cooked.
* Put the rice in the container stock, sprinkle with nori pieces or fried onions.
* Give complement.

Serves 4
Ps: This recipe is taken from No intention to plagiarism, but simply convey and share the recipe to more people.

KFC Extra Crispy

* 1 whole chicken into pieces potong2
* 6-8 cups shortening (oil frozen)


* 1 grains are large telu
* 1 cup milk
* 2 cups all-purpose flour
* 2 1 / 2 teaspoon salt
* 3 / 4 teaspoon pepper
* 3 / 4 teaspoon MSG
* 1 / 8 teaspoon Garlic powder
* 1 / 8 teaspoon baking soda

How to make:

* Discard fat gelambir2 found in chickens.
* Heat in the first miyak-pan or container to fry until the heat reaches 350 degrees heat (dikira2 aja)
* Combine milk and eggs. Aduk2 let flat. Reserve
* Combine flour, salt, pepper, MSG, garlic powder and baking soda
* Put each piece of chicken into a napkin so that excess liquid from the chicken can be eliminated.
* Potongan2 Dip chicken into egg and milk mixture and then guling2kan chicken with dry flour mixture, dip back into the egg and milk mixture, then return guling2kan
* Examine each piece of chicken if the flour is well coated.
* Set aside chicken terlapis flour on a plate
* Enter potongan2 chicken terlapis flour into hot miyak already been
* Minimum of 4 pcs Gorenglah chicken for 12-15 minutes, or until brown

Green Salad with French Dressing

* 200 g cucumber, thinly sliced round
* 1 hump of lettuce, shredded
Bh * 1 green pepper, sliced long
* 150 gr avocado, cut thin
* 100 gr large celery stalks,
* Cut length of 1 cm

French Dressing Material

* 1 teaspoon vinegar
* 175 ml of salad oil
* ¾ teaspoon sugar flour
* 1 teaspoon mustard
* ¼ teaspoon salt

How to Make

* Add French Dressing ingredients into the bottle. Beat until thoroughly
* Tata vegetables in the bowl, flush with dressing materials
* Serve, to 4 servings

Spaghetti Meat & Eggs Iga

150 g dried spaghetti

1 tablespoon butter

1 clove garlic, minced

10 g onions, chopped

100 g smoked beef rib meat / beef bacon, roughly chopped

125 ml fresh cream dilute

1 / 2 teaspoon mustard seed

1 / 2 teaspoon dried oregano

1 / 2 tsp black pepper powder

1 teaspoon salt

1 egg yolk of chicken


1 tablespoon grated parmesan cheese

How to make:

Spaghettini boiled with water until soft seukupnya. Remove and drain.

Saute garlic and onions until tender and fragrant.

Enter smoked chops, stirring until slightly dry and the fat melts.

Dilute and pour cream and bring to a boil seasoning season.

Enter the spaghetti, mix well.

If you like hard-boiled eggs, egg yolks directly enter and stir until cooked.

Lift, sprinkle with parmesan cheese.

Serve hot. If you like soft-boiled eggs, place egg yolks on top of spaghetti and toss while hot and eaten immediately.

For 2 people

Tuna Blood Orange Sauce

200 g. tuna meat

30 g mixed spice *)

10 ml olive oil

50 ml orange juice

20 g brown sugar

How to make:

* Cut a rectangle shape tuna and sprinkle with spice mixture.

* Heat the anti-stick pan, pour olive oil.
 Cook the tuna for 1 minute per side.
* Cook the orange juice and sugar in a saucepan until thick.

* Cut the tuna into 3 equal parts and set up in the middle of the plate.

* Place the fennel on top and give the orange sauce.

* Complete with a green salad. Serve immediately

*) This spice blend can be made from paprika powder, cumin powder, fennel powder, pepper and Italian Seasoning. Types of spices can be adjusted to taste.

For 1 person

Spicy Chicken Spaghetti recipe

250 g Spaghetti
200 gr chicken meat, diced 2 x 2 cm
100 g carrots, cut to taste
100 g baby kailan, cut into pieces
6 pieces of red chillies, crushed
3 tablespoons soy sauce
5 cloves garlic chopped
1 tablespoon instant chicken broth
1 tablespoon fried onion for topping
½ tsp fine salt
3 tablespoons cooking oil
1 tablespoon cornstarch, dissolved in
150 ml of water / chicken broth

How to Make:

1. Heat oil and saute garlic and red pepper until fragrant. Enter the chicken, stirring until the color changes.
2. Enter a sweet soy sauce, spices, carrots and kailan. Thicken with a solution of water / broth with cornstarch. Cook until sauce thickens slightly. Lift.
3. Prepare spaghetti on a serving plate, flush with chicken soup. serve while hot with a sprinkling of fried onions. Serve immediately.
For Portion 4

Tuna Spaghetti recipe

250 g Spaghetti
200 g canned tuna, cut into pieces
100 g button mushrooms, cut into pieces
60 g pineapple, diced small
4 tablespoons sambal Bangkok
2 tablespoons chopped onions
250 tomatoes, boiled, crushed
Sledri chopped 1 tablespoon salt 1 teaspoon finely
Pepper 1 tsp finely
3 tablespoons cooking oil

How to Make:

1. Heat oil and saute onions until fragrant. insert meat tuna, tomato sauce smooth and Bangkok. Mix well.
2. Add the mushrooms, pineapple slices, Spaghetti, sledri chopped, pepper and salt, mix well. Cook until all ingredients are cooked. Remove and serve while hot.

 Spaghetti 'Simple'

- Spaghetti (can be replaced by other pasta / kepepetnya can indomie)
- Minced beef
- Sausage beef
- Mushroom buttons
- Tomatoes (finely chopped)
- Tomato Sauce
- Onions & garlic (chopped fine)
- Salt, Sugar, Pepper
- Equipment Rasa
- Leaf Parsley (chopped fine)
- Cheddar cheese (grated)
- Oil
- Butter
- Water

How to Make:

1. Boil Spaghetti in boiling water that has entered 1 tablespoon oil. Lift, drain.
2. Heat the butter, saute garlic and onion until fragrant.
3. Enter the ground beef, cook until the color changes and chopped tomatoes, tomato sauce, salt, sugar, pepper, flavor.
4. Enter the sausage and mushrooms, cook until done.
5. Serve spaghetti with sauce, sprinkled with chopped parsley and grated cheese

Italian Sausage Soup

• 1-1.5 ltr of water (To make the broth)
• 3 / 4 cup Italian sausage (Buy at hypermart - Lippo Karawaci) - inget in small pieces because then the gravy will dicemplung enlarge
• 3 / 4 cup carrots, diced
• 1 / 2 cup frozen beans
• 1 tablespoon celery (celery trunked large), thinly sliced
• 750 grams red tomatoes, boiled briefly, puree, strain
• 3 slices bacon, small pieces of pan fried briefly (for the sauce salty and let no taste)
• 1-1/2 tsp salt (not a lot because there is bacon)
• 1 / 2 tsp sugar (let me put this savory)
• 1 / 2 tsp pepper (just slightly)

• 1 / 4 pcs onions, finely chopped
• 2 garlic sng, geprek, finely chopped
• 3 tablespoons olive oil, for sauteing

How to make:
• Mix the bacon is already in the pan-fried with tomato juice has been filtered reply. Bring to a boil.
• Meanwhile, saute onion and garlic until fragrant.
• Include in-stock.
• Add salt, sugar, pepper, celery.
• Cook with low heat until the aroma out.
• Add the carrots, cook until done.
• Enter other bahan2, cooked again until fully cooked.
• Serve in warm with baguette Source:

Mini Pizza recipe


350 grams of flour cap Cakra
200 ml Water
1 packet of instant yeast
1 / 4 teaspoon salt

Material contents
- Tomato Sauce
- Toping to taste (can be a pan-fried ground beef with onions, garlic, tomatoes, tomato sauce, or bacon, minced chicken, sausage, etc.)
- Mozzarella cheese

How to make:
mix all skin bahn, knead until the immune
Allow 15 minutes as he closed his napkin discussed
Kempeskan, for 8 or to taste, rounded and pipihkan a circle, the edges slightly elevated
Oles tomato sauce,
Sprinkle topping
Sprinkle cheese mozarela the dioles thin.
Bakr until cooked.
Sources from the
Collection Cooking Recipes Collection Update can you get in

Meat Lover Pizza
Presented To: 6 People
500 grams of wheat flour proteins were
1 / 2 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon instant yeast
250 grams of hot water
2 tablespoons olive oil

1 pc onion, finely chopped
1 clove garlic, minced
2 tablespoons olive oil
200 grams tomatoes, shredded
400 gram tin tomatoes - can be replaced with 5 plum tomatoes, boiled and shredded
50 grams tomato paste
1 teaspoon salt
1 / 2 teaspoon sugar
1 teaspoon basil
2 teaspoons oregano

100 grams of meat, chopped small round shaped
100 grams of chicken meat, chopped small round shaped
1 / 2 pieces onions, thinly sliced round
1 / 2 green bell pepper, cut into
1 / 2 red bell pepper, cut into
50 grams bacon, cut into
50 grams sliced button mushrooms
1 teaspoon oregano
100 grams of mozzarella cheese
2 tablespoons olive oil

Making Bread:
1. Sift wheat flour, and mix with salt, instant yeast
2. Enter the warm water and olive oil while diuleni for 10 minutes, rounded dough
3. Allow the dough for 15 minutes. Miller and enter in the pizza pan 24 cm in diameter which has an olive Minya dioles
4. The dough is ready closed topping

Creating Concase:
1. Heat the olive oil. Saute onion and garlic until softened, about 5 minutes
2. Enter the grated tomatoes, canned tomatoes and tomato paste. Cook until thick, stirring frequently, until bubbling
3. Add salt, sugar, oregano, and basil. Stir briefly and lift it and chill.

How to Make:
1. Heat the olive oil, saute the minced meat and minced chicken until the color changes, lift. Mix with concase. Mix well.
2. Skin Tipiskan pizza, olive oil and rub concase.
3. Sprinkle onions, green peppers, red peppers, bacon, mushrooms oregano, and mozzarella cheese.
4. Oven for 20 minutes in a temperature of 200 degrees Celsius.
Pizza Sosis


• 500 gr tepung terigu
• 250 cc udara
• 2 buah ragi tape
• 1 sendok makan gula pasir
• ½ sendok teh garam halus
• 50 gr mentega dicairkan

Bahan bagian atas:

• 250 gr sosis sapi, dipotong tipis-tipis
• 1 buah tomat merah, dipotong tipis
• 2 buah cabai hijau potong panjang
• Keju parut secukupnya

Bahan Saos tomat:

• 3 buah tomat merah
• 3 sendok makan mentega cair
• 3 siung bawang putih, dicincang
• 1 buah bawang bombay, dicincang
• Garam, gula, merica halus secukupnya

Cara membuatnya:

• Rendam ragi dengan air, setelah larut sisihkan
• Tepung terigu, gula, garam dan mentega cair dicampur menjadi satu, uleni sambil dituangi air ragi sedikit sampai adonan tidak lengket di tangan.
• Siapkan Loyang berbentuk bulat, olesi terlebih dahulu dengan mentega sampai rata, tuangkan adonan kedalamnya dan ratakan.
• Bagian olesi atasnya dengan saos tomat dan taburkan di atasnya potongan sosis serta cabai hijau. Ratakan Kemudian taburi dengan keju parut.
• Diamkan selama 15 menit.
• Setelah itu denga oven panas sedang saja sampai matang dan warnanya kecoklatan
• Hidangkan dalam keadaan panas

Bistik Ayam


• 1 ekor ayam dalam negeri
• 1 butir telur ayam
• 100 gr tepung roti
• 50 gr tepung terigu
• 3 sendok makan saos tomat
• 1 sendok makan gula pasir
• 1 sendok teh cuka
• 4 helai daun selada
• 1 buah tomat merah
• 1 buah mentimun
• Garam secukupnya
• Lada secukupnya

Cara memasak:

• Ayam dibersihkan, buang tulang, kaki dan bagian kepala. Diiris tipis, beri garam, lada secukupnya.
• Tambahkan terigu teoung ke seluruh irisan ayam hingga rata.
• Campurkan telur yang sudah dikocok, tambahkan lagi tepung roti sampai rata hingga ayam tertutup tepung.
• Panaskan minyak, kemudian goreng hingga kekuningan.
• Tambhakan Gorengan kentang sebesar jari dan iris mentimun dan tomat
• Panaskan saos tomat, beri gula dan cuka.
• Ayam DATAR disusun diatas piring, beri daun selada.
• Siramkan saos tomat ke atas ayam.
• Sajikan

 Makaroni Scottle
Bahan 1:
500 gr makaroni (rebus, tiriskan beri 1 sdm margarin
1 sdm margarin (aduk rata dan sisihkan pada makaroni yang telah direbus)

Bahan II (Tumis dan sisihkan)
150gr daging diling / cornet
50 gr bawang Bombay (iris2 kecil)
1 sdm margarin

Bahan III
2 sdm margarin
3-4 sdt terigu
500 ml susu cair
100 gr keju parut
Gula, garam, lada, pala, kaldu bubuk (secukupnya)

Bahan IV
5 butir telur

Bahan V
100 gr keju parut
50 gr sosis / daging asap

Cara membuat:
1. Bahan III: panaskan margarin, masukkan terigu, aduk-aduk hingga rata, beri susu sedikit demi sedikit hingga mengental, beri keju, gula, garam, lada, pala, dan kaldu bubuk. Masak hingga mendidih, angkat
2. masukkan bahan I dan III ke bahan I, aduk rata dan tambahkan bahaan IV, masukkan adonan ke Loyang yang telah diolesi margarin. Taburi atasnya dengan bahan V. Panggang hingga matang.
Resep ini dikirimkan oleh Jenny ( Alamat e-mail ini dilindungi dari spambot, anda harus memampukan JavaScript untuk melihatnya)

Bistik Daging Saos Tomat

* 1 / 4 kg Daging sapi yang bagus
* 5 buah Tomat
* 3 sdm Mentega
* Lada, pala, garam, kecap, gula pasir secukupnya.

Cara Memasak:

* Haluskan bumbu (lada, pala dan garam).
* Cuci daging hingga bersih, beri bumbu dan tusuk - tusuk dengan garpu, biarkan selama ± 2 jam.
* Goreng daging dengan mentega 1 sdm.
* Masak dengan api agak besar, jangan dibalik bila belum kelihatan kuning.
* Rebus tomat, lalu disaring, campurkan airnya dengan gula dan sedikit garam.
* Cairkan mentega sisanya tadi, tambahkan kecap, masukkan air tomat kedalamnya.
* Masukkan daging yang sudah digoreng, panaskan hingga kental.
* Angkat dan sajikan Bistik dengan kentang goreng (jika suka).

Roti Sandwich

* 4 lembar roti tawar putih
* 50 gr mentega
* 2 lbr keju
* 50 gr daun selada
* 1 tomat merah, iris tipis
* 2 lembar daging asap yang sudah diiris tipis
* Saus tomat

Cara membuat:

* Panggang roti tawar hingga berwarna kecoklatan
* Olesi roti tawar tersebut dengan mentega
* Taruh daun selada, daging asap, keju dan tomat secara berurutan
* Siram dengan saus tomat secukupnya
* Tutup kembali dengan roti tawar yang lain.
* Sajikan

Nasi Daging Jamur

Minggu ini Anda bisa mulai mereka-reka menu bekal sekolah buat si kecil. Buat yang selalu aktif bergerak, coba saja Siapkan bekal yang satu ini. Isinya nasi yang diolah dengan jamur dan daging sapi. Dilengkapi dengan Dadar sayuran plus acara mentimun. Jadilah sajian lengkap nutrisi buat aktivitasnya Balinese hari.


* Nasi Jamur Daging
* 1 sdm minyak sayur
* 20 g bawang Bombay, cincang
* 1 siung bawang putih, cincang
* 75 g daging sapi, iris tipis
* 2 buah jamur hioko, potong-potong
* 200 g beras pulen, cuci, tiriskan
* 1 sdm kecap asin
* 400-500 ml kaldu sapi / udara
* 1 / 2 sdt merica bubuk
* 1 sdt garam


* Dadar sayuran
* Acar mentimun

Cara membuat:

* Tumis bawang Bombay dan bawang putih hingga layu dan harum.
* Masukkan daging sapi, aduk hingga berubah warna.
* Tambahkan jamur, aduk hingga layu.
* Masukkan beras, aduk hingga rata. Angkat.
* Pindahkan ke dalam panci rice cooker, tambahkan kaldu dan bumbu.
* Masak seperti biasa hingga nasi matang.
* Taruh nasi dalam wadah bekal, taburi potongan nori atau bawang merah goreng.
* Beri Pelengkapnya.

Untuk 4 porsi

KFC Extra Crispy

* 1 ekor ayam potong2 UTUH menjadi Beberapa bagian
* 6-8 cangkir shortening (minyak Beku)


* 1 butir telu yang sedang besarnya
* 1 cangkir susu
* 2 cangkir tepung serba guna
* 2 1 / 2 sendok teh garam
* 3 / 4 sendok teh merica bubuk
* 3 / 4 sendok teh MSG
* 1 / 8 sendok teh Bawang Putih bubuk
* 1 / 8 sendok teh soda kue

Cara buat:

* Gelambir2 Buang lemak yang terdapat pada ayam.
* Panaskan miyak terlebih dahulu Didalam-Wajan Menggoreng atau wadah untuk Mencapai panasnya sampai 350 derajat (dikira2 aja panasnya)
* Campurkan susu dan telur. Aduk2 biar rata. Sisihkan
* Campurkan tepung, garam, lada, MSG, bawang putih bubuk dan soda kue
* Letakkan masing-masing potongan ayam ke serbet agar kelebihan cairan dari ayam bisa dihilangkan.
* Celupkan potongan2 ayam tersebut kedalam campuran telur dan susu lalu guling2kan ayam dengan campuran tepung kering, celupkan kembali ke dalam campuran telur dan susu, lalu kembali guling2kan
* Amati masing-masing apakah sudah potongan ayam berlapis tepung dengan baik.
* Sisihkan ayam yang sudah terlapis tepung pada piring
* Masukan potongan2 ayam yang sudah terlapis tepung kedalam miyak yang sudah panas tadi
* Gorenglah minimal 4 potong ayam selama 12-15 menit, atau sampai kecoklatan

Salad hijau dengan Perancis Dressing
* 200 gr mentimun, diiris tipis bulat
* 1 bonggol daun selada, disobek-sobek
* 1 bh paprika hijau, diiris panjang
* 150 gr alpukat, dipotong tipis
* 100 gr Seledri batang besar,
* Dipotong panjang 1 cm

Bahan Dressing Perancis
* 1 sdt cuka
* 175 ml minyak salad
* ¾ sdt tepung gula
* 1 sdt mustard
* ¼ sdt garam

Cara Membuat
* Masukkan bahan perancis ke dalam botol Dressing. Kocok sampai tercampur
* Tata sayuran di mangkuk, siram dengan bahan saus
* Sajikan, untuk 4 porsi

Spaghetti Daging Iga & Telur 

150 g spaghetti kering
1 sdm mentega
1 siung bawang putih, cincang
10 g bawang Bombay, cincang
100 g daging iga sapi asap / beef bacon, cincang kasar
125 ml krim segar encer
1 / 2 sdt biji mustard
1 / 2 sdt oregano kering
1 / 2 sdt merica hitam bubuk
1 sdt garam
1 butir kuning telur ayam

1 sdm keju parmesan parut

Cara membuat:

Spaghettini rebus dengan air seukupnya hingga lunak. Angkat dan tiriskan.
Tumis bawang putih dan bawang Bombay hingga layu dan harum.
Masukkan daging iga asap, aduk hingga agak kering dan lemak meleleh.
Tuangi krim encer dan bubuhi bumbu lalu Didihkan.
Masukkan spaghetti, aduk hingga rata.
Jika suka telur matang, masukkan langsung kuning telur dan aduk hingga matang.
Angkat, taburi keju parmesan.
Sajikan panas. Jika suka telur setengah matang, taruh kuning telur di atas spaghetti dan aduk selagi panas dan Santap segera.

Untuk 2 orang

Tuna Saus Blood Orange

200 g. daging ikan tuna
30 g campuran rempah *)
10 ml minyak zaitun
50 ml jus jeruk
20 g gula

Cara membuat:
* Potong tuna bentuk segi empat dan taburi campuran rempah.
* Panaskan Wajan anti lengket, tuangkan minyak zaitun.
    * Masak tuna selama 1 menit tiap sisinya.
   * Masak jus jeruk dan gula dalam panci hingga kental.
    * Potong tuna menjadi 3 bagian yang sama dan Susun di bagian tengah piring.
    * Taruh fennel di atasnya dan beri saus jeruk.
    * Lengkapi dengan salad sayuran. Sajikan segera
*) Campuran rempah ini bisa dibuat dari paprika bubuk, JINTAN bubuk, ADAS bubuk, merica bubuk dan italian seasoning. Jenis rempah bisa disesuaikan dengan selera.
Untuk 1 orang

Resep Spaghetti Ayam Pedas
250 gr Spaghetti
200 gr daging ayam, potong dadu 2 x 2 cm
100 gr wortel, potong sesuai selera
100 gr baby kailan, potong-potong
6 buah cabe merah, haluskan
3 sdm kecap manis
5 siung bawang putih cincang
1 sdm kaldu ayam instan
1 sdm bawang merah goreng untuk taburan
½ sdt garam halus
3 sdm minyak goreng
1 sdm tepung maizena, larutkan dengan
150 ml air / kaldu ayam

Cara Membuat:

1. Panaskan minyak, Tumis bawang putih dan cabe merah hingga harum. Masukkan daging ayam, aduk hingga berubah warna.
2. Masukkan kecap manis, bumbu-bumbu, wortel dan kailan. Kentalkan dengan larutan air / kaldu dengan tepung maizena. Masak hingga saus agak mengental. Angkat.
3. Siapkan spaghetti di atas piring saji, siram dengan kuah ayam. Hidangkan selagi panas dengan taburan bawang merah goreng. Sajikan segera.
Untuk 4 Porsi

Resep Spaghetti Tuna

250 gr Spaghetti
200 gr tuna kalengan, potong-potong
100 gr jamur kancing, potong-potong
60 gr nanas, potong dadu kecil
4 sdm sambal Bangkok
2 sdm bawang Bombay cincang
250 tomat, rebus, haluskan
1 sdm sledri cincang 1 sdt garam halus
1 sdt lada halus
3 sdm minyak goreng

Cara Membuat:

1. Panaskan minyak, Tumis bawang Bombay hingga harum. masukkan daging tuna, tomat halus dan sambal Bangkok. Aduk rata.
2. Tambahkan jamur, potongan nanas, Spaghetti, sledri cincang, lada dan garam, aduk rata. Masak hingga semua bahan matang. Angkat dan sajikan selagi panas.

 Spaghetti 'Simple' 


- Spaghetti (bisa diganti pasta lainnya / kepepetnya bisa indomie)
- Daging sapi giling
- Sosis sapi
- Jamur kancing
- Tomat (dicincang halus)
- Saus Tomat
- Bawang bombay & bawang putih (diiris halus)
- Garam, Gula, Merica
- Penyedap Rasa
- Daun Peterseli (diiris halus)
- Keju Cheddar (diparut)
- Minyak
- Mentega
- Air

Cara Membuat:

1. Rebus Spaghetti dalam air mendidih yang sudah dimasukkan 1 sendok makan minyak. Angkat, tiriskan.
2. Panaskan mentega, Tumis bawang putih dan bawang bombay hingga harum.
3. Masukkan daging giling, masak hingga berubah warna lalu tomat cincang, saus tomat, garam, gula, merica, penyedap rasa.
4. Masukkan sosis dan jamur, masak hingga matang.
5. Hidangkan spaghetti dengan sausnya, ditaburi daun peterseli cincang dan keju parut

Resep Masakan - Soup Sosis Itali PDF Cetak E-mail
Resep Masakan - Resep Makanan Barat
Minggu, Desember 30, 2007
Soup Sosis Itali

• 1-1,5 ltr air (Untuk buat kaldu)
• 3 / 4 cup sosis Itali (Beli di hypermart - Lippo Karawaci) - inget di potong kecil karena nanti dicemplung ke kuah akan membesar
• 3 / 4 cup wortel, potong dadu
• 1 / 2 cup kacang merah Beku
• 1 sdm seledri (Seledri berbatang besar), iris halus
• 750 gr tomat merah, rebus sebentar, haluskan, saring
• 3 iris Bacon potong kecil-pan fried bentar (untuk rasa asin dan kuah biar ada rasa)
• 1-1/2 sdt garam (jangan banyak-banyak karena sudah ada bacon)
• 1 / 2 sdt gula pasir (taruh ini biar gurih)
• 1 / 2 sdt lada (dikit saja)

• 1 / 4 bh bawang bombay, cincang halus
• 2 sng bawang putih, geprek, cincang halus
• 3 sdm minyak zaitun, untuk menumis

Cara membuat:
• Campur bacon yang sudah di tumis dengan jus tomat yg telah disaring. Didihkan.
• Sementara itu, Tumis bawang bombay dan bawang putih hingga harum.
• Masukkan ke dlm kaldu.
• Tambahkan garam, gula, merica, Seledri.
• Masak dgn api kecil hingga aromanya keluar.
• Masukkan wortel, masak hingga matang.
• Masukkan bahan2 lainnya, masak kembali hingga matang Seluruhnya.
• Hidangkan dalam keadaan hangat bersama baguette Source:

Resep Pizza Mini

Bahan kulit:

350 gram terigu cap Cakra
200 ml Air
1 bungkus ragi instan
1 / 4 sendok teh garam

Bahan isi
- Saus Tomat
- Toping sesuai selera (bisa daging giling yang ditumis dengan bawang bombay, bawang putih, tomat, saus tomat, atau daging asap, daging ayam giling, sosis dsb)
- Keju Mozarella

Cara membuat:
campur semua bahn kulit, uleni sampai kalis
Biarkan 15 menit sambil ditutup serbet bahas
Kempeskan, bagi 8 atau sesuai selera, bulatkan dan pipihkan Membentuk lingkaran, tepinya agak ditinggikan
Oles saus tomat,
Taburi topping
Taburi keju mozarela yang dioles tipis.
Bakar sampai matang.

Meat Lover Pizza
Disajikan Untuk: 6 Orang
500 gram tepung terigu protein sedang
1 / 2 sendok teh garam
1 sendok makan ragi instan
250 gram air hangat
2 sendok makan minyak zaitun

1 buah bawang bombay, cincang halus
1 siung bawang putih, cincang halus
2 sendok makan minyak zaitun
200 gram tomat, diparut
400 gram tomat kaleng - bisa diganti dengan 5 buah tomat, direbus lalu diparut
50 gram pasta tomat
1 sendok teh garam
1 / 2 sendok teh gula pasir
1 sendok teh basil
2 sendok teh oregano

100 gram daging, cincang dibentuk bulat kecil
100 gram daging ayam, cincang dibentuk bulat kecil
1 / 2 buah bawang bombay, iris tipis bulat
1 / 2 buah paprika hijau, potong kotak
1 / 2 buah paprika merah, potong kotak
50 gram daging asap, potong kotak
50 gram jamur kancing iris tipis
1 sendok teh oregano
100 gram keju mozarella
2 sendok makan minyak zaitun

Membuat Roti:
1. Ayak Tepung terigu, lalu campurkan dengan garam, ragi instan
2. Masukkan air hangat dan minyak zaitun sambil diuleni selama 10 menit, bulatkan adonan
3. Diamkan adonan selama 15 menit. Giling lalu masukkan dalam Loyang pizza berdiameter 24 cm yang telah dioles Minya zaitun
4. Adonan siap ditutup topping

Membuat Concase:
1. Panaskan minyak zaitun. Tumis bawang bombay dan bawang putih sampai layu selama 5 menit
2. Masukkan tomat parut, tomat kaleng, dan pasta tomat. Masak sampai kental sambil diaduk sampai meletup-hentinya
3. Masukkan garam, gula, oregano, dan basil. Aduk sebentar lalu angkat dan dinginkan.

Cara Membuat:
1. Panaskan Minyak Zaitun, Tumis daging cincang dan ayam cincang sampai berubah warna, angkat. Campur dengan concase. Aduk rata.
2. Tipiskan kulit pizza, oleskan minyak zaitun dan concase.
3. Taburkan bawang bombay, paprika hijau, paprika merah, daging asap, jamur oregano, dan keju mozarella.
4. Oven Selama 20 menit dalam suhu 200 derajat celcius.